Our Properties
WHC focuses on high opportunity neighborhoods throughout the greater Washington, DC region. High opportunity neighborhoods are diverse mixed-income communities, close to employment centers, with great access to transit as well fresh and healthy food, health care, etc. These neighborhoods are currently affordable but are in the path of growth and development that threatens displacement.
Interested in Being a Resident?
Learn more about each of our properties and their corresponding workforce housing programs by clicking on a property below and getting in touch with the property’s leasing office.
Fusing commercial real estate expertise with a social impact mission.
We disrupt inequities in the housing market with an innovative model that prevents displacement and promotes opportunity and wealth building.

Preserving housing affordability and promoting economic mobility in the DC-region
The Washington Housing Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your investment helps us expand our work. Your gift is 100% tax-deductible. EIN 83-1866109

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