WHC Featured in HUD Article

Washington Housing Initiative (WHI) and the Washington Housing Conservancy (WHC) have been featured in a recent article by HUD’s PD&R Edge Home that spotlights WHI’s and WHC’s unique approach to maintaining affordability through acquisition (not creation) of...

WHC Hiring Social Impact Coordinator

JOB DESCRIPTION – SOCIAL IMPACT COORDINATOR Our Social Impact Mission Established in 2018, the Washington Housing Conservancy (WHC) is a nonprofit organization (501c3) that disrupts housing market forces to prevent displacement and promote opportunity for moderate to...

WHC Interview on Health Affairs Podcast

WHC’s Executive Director Kimberly Driggins was recently interviewed on Health Affairs’ Research & Justice for All podcast. What will it take to reinvent an equitable housing system? LISTEN to Kimberly in conversation with Dr. Rhea Boyd as they discuss...

Welcome Destiny Delaware to WHC

WHC Welcomes Social Impact Program Manager WHC is excited to announce a new addition to our staff. Destiny Delaware joined WHC in September as the new Social Impact Program Manager.   With a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and a Master’s in Conflict Analysis &...

5-Year Impact Report: Inspire. Innovate. Impact

Back to all news Preserving housing affordability and promoting economic mobility in the DC-region The Washington Housing Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your investment helps us expand our work. Your gift is 100% tax-deductible. EIN 83-1866109...

WHC in 2024 Spur Local Catalogue

We are proud to announce that Washington Housing Conservancy has been selected as a trusted and critical small nonprofit in the Greater Washington region! Congratulations to our peer nonprofits, who we’re excited to meet and partner with alongside Spur Local.  See the...